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Rich Little: Jimmy

Stewart & Friends

LVH Says:

Legendary comedian and impressionist Rich Little is returning to the Las Vegas stage with his one-man show, “Jimmy Stewart & Friends.” Featuring more than 25 celebrity icon voices, including Cary Grant, George rlBurns, Ronald Reagan, Catherine Hepburn and John Wayne, among others, “Jimmy Stewart & Friends” will take you on an adventure through the life of the famed Jimmy Stewart. “In addition to being my first celebrity impression, Jimmy Stewart was a dear friend and a life-long inspiration of mine,” said Rich Little. “Jimmy had no idea how he affected my life; but I did and you will too.”

Named “Comedy Star of the Year” by the American Guild of Variety Artists, Little was the perpetrator of nine comedy albums and three HBO comedy specials, as well as the Emmy-award winning specials “Rich Little’s Christmas Carol” with “W.C. Fields” as Scrooge, “Humphrey Bogart” as one of the ghosts and “Paul Lynde” as Bob Cratchit.

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